In order for work-based learning to be a success in companies, there is the necessity for continued improvement. Not only is this benefiticial to the learner by better providing them with a better learning experience, but this also produces better and more qualified apprentices and in turn is profitable for the private company. One fo the most successful ways to achieve continuous improvement is through feedback. Why is Feedback Important?
Feedback can take two directions
- i) feedback from company to the apprentice on how to improve their skills
- ii) feedback from apprentice to company (and apprentice supervisor) on how to improve the apprentice programme
How can feedback be correctly communicated Mentoring Skills: Giving Feedback
In order for continuous improvement to be achieved the company hosting the apprentice, often requires feedback. This is a standard procedure in many apprenticeship programmes and is forms part of the structure of the highly acclaimed dual vocation system being practiced in the german speaking countries of europe.
This feedback can come in structured form of
- Appraisal interview
- Sample Monitoring checklist